WTU Today

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WTU in Action

Quick Glance

211 called “Basic Capacity Construction Project University Member”

134+ hectares of the campus area

21 schools

7 disciplines

64 undergraduate programmes

49 graduate programmes

5 joint Ph. D. programmes

1000+ professors

20000+ students

100+ students clubs

Campus & Students

  • Chang'e-5 Fabric National Flag Developed By WTU research team led by President Xu Weilin

  • Studying Abroad at Duke University

  • International Forum on Economic and Trade Cooperation in Textile Industry between China and Countries along the Belt and Road

  • Seminar on Trade Facititation for Pakisitan and Wuhan Qingda-Hesheng matchmaking Exchange meeting

  • Achieving Academic and Personal Growth at Wuhan Textile University

  • The opening ceremony of the foreign aid training program, organized by Wuhan Textile University and sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of China

  • The Graduation Ceremony for International Students

  • Mr. Ji Chen, Dean of the School of International Education, instructs international students in the art of Chinese calligraphy

  • Vice President Wang Dong conducted academic exchanges and promoted international cooperation in the field of textile fibers during his visit to France

  • Academician Xu Weilin, President of WTU, paid an official visit to the United Nations Headquarters