Freshmen of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Went into Lab

2020.10.30       Source:        Author:       Hits:

The School  of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering sent the 2020 freshmen to labs to help them know the School and their majors better and encourage them to apply themselves and study hard in the next four years at WTU.

“The School attaches great importance to lab construction and experimental teaching. The way of studying at universities is highly different from that at high schools. While learning theories, students should also enhance their practical ability. I hope they will come to the labs more frequently and join their teachers’ scientific research team sooner.” said Li Ming, the deputy dean.

Students said that through the visit, they got familiar of and had a better understanding of the layout, function and classification of labs, where they can remember the studies in a better way by conducting their own experiments. In that way, they will accumulate first-hand experience and enjoy better opportunities for learning.